Large Format 3D Printing. Size Counts.
What is the largest size I can 3d print ? An overview of our large format 3d printing service.
3D Printing in Colour. What you need to know.
An overview of our current Colour 3D printing services based on the Stratasys J750 system, including file formats, spot colour, full colour, rigid and flexible parts, Includes links to training materials.
Colour 3D Printing. Technology Update.
Colour 3D Printing service. A technology update giving the current state of the art for our services. Written 20th Feb 2019.
Free STL Viewing Software tools and utilities, revisited.
We take another look at the current STL viewing tools and utilities available to designers and engineers. March 2017.
Food Safe 3D Printing. Revisted.
An overview of 3d printing utensils, moulds and equipment for the food production industry, January 2017.
3D Printing Designs for use with Food.
Developing products for use with food ? A brief overview of some of the issues to consider when 3D Printing designs for use with food.
Checking your .STL file for 3D Printing.
A quick overview with some suggestions on how to check your .stl file before sending for 3D Printing.
FDM Materials. New additions.
We've added new, specialist materials to our 'Strong & Durable' 3d printing service in FDM, aimed at designers and manufacturers producing parts for specialist applications.