3D Printing - Spotted.

Our gallery of interesting 3D printing examples and technologies spotted on our travels. Other galleries show our own work in different materials.

Shoe prototype. 3d printed in colour for visualisation.

Shoe prototype. 3d printed in colour for visualisation.

Spotted at a TCT show in the UK, a well known shoe company is using 3d printing to visualise new products.

Lamp created from the 'High Temp' Polyjet material.

Lamp created from the 'High Temp' Polyjet material.

This is a demo piece from Stratasys showing off their 'High Temp' polyjet material. Spotted at a recent TCT show.

Digital print onto a 3d print.

Digital print onto a 3d print.

We offer colour digital printing which is ideal for adding branding, bar codes and serial numbers to 3d printed parts. Pictured is a FDM printed enclosure with our logo added as a separate process.

STL file viewer

STL file viewer

Netfabb is one of our 'goto' stl viewing tools. Measuring and simple repairs are straight forward. For a discussion in STL checking before printing have a look at our blog post here:

Checking your STL for 3d printing.

Bike Leavers in Titanium.

Bike Leavers in Titanium.

These titanium brake levers are extremely light, helped by a hollow core. They inspired us to offer metal 3d printing to our clients.

Shoe prototype. 3d printed in colour for visualisation. Lamp created from the 'High Temp' Polyjet material. Digital print onto a 3d print. STL file viewer Bike Leavers in Titanium.