3D Printing Service.

We give you 3D printing and rapid prototyping services with fast turnaround times, easy ordering and the best choice of materials. 

Choose from our wide range of 3D printed materials and technologies to get the best solution for your project.

We'll do our very best to help you choose the right solution for your design and application. If you have any questions about 3D printing service please call or email. We are happy to chat.

Our 3D Printing services are grouped by category, based on the major attributes the process gives your printed designs.


Strong & Durable Strength, Durability, Affordable. Production Materials for 'End use' parts.

Our 'Strong & Durable' 3D printing service

Is based on  FDM (Fused Deposition Modelling)  SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) and Binderjet technologies.

FDM is ideal when you need to produce parts using 'Real'  production grade thermoplastics. Our professional grade machines give you a wide choice of materials complete with Lot and Batch numbers for traceability from the manufacturer. 

3D Printing using FDM gives you a choice of materials including ABS and Polycarbonate and a range of specialist 3D printing materials with enhanced properties, including:

  • Bio Compatible.
  • FDA Food Safe Certification.
  • Flame, Smoke, Toxicity (FST) certification.
  • Static Dissipative.
  • High temperature Resistance.
  • Chemical Resistance
  • Strength.
  • Flexible
  • Short Strand Carbon Fibre. 

Many of our FDM materials use soluble support systems which give your parts better surface finish and the ability to print complex internal structures. 

Our SLS 3D-Printing service supports Nylon based materials, including PA12, Graphite and Carbon reinforced Nylon, Polypropylene and Technical Ceramics. In addition we have just added the new HP MJF PA12 Jetfusion Binderjet process printing PA12. All ideal for your functional and end use parts.

  • Static Dissipative (SLS Graphite)
  • Good temperature Resistance.
  • Chemical Resistance
  • Strength.
  • Short Strand Carbon Fibre. 

Ceramic sits easily in both the Strong Durable and Fine Detail categories giving you a material choice with strength, high temperature resistance and good detail.  Choose from our SLA Ceramic infused resin or our Technical Ceramics for 3d printed  Zirconia and Alumina.

read more..


3D Printing.  Small features & Thin walls.

Ultra fine print layers Smooth surface, fine detail. Prototyping and 'Fit & Form' testing.

Our 'Fine Detail' 3D Printing service

Is based on the Polyjet 3D Printing process fabricates your design to a high level of accuracy and detail. The process builds your design very fine layers of a polymer based material which is UV cured. This combination gives your part a good balance between strength, stability and a smooth surface finish.

The Polyjet process allows you to incorporate thin walls, fine details and moving parts into your design and will produce functional parts consisting of multiple components in a single printing process. For designs with extra detail we give a choice of Ultra fine 3D Printing with 16 micron layers plus a range of Ultra High Resolution processes and materials for demanding designs and applications.

In addition, choose from a wide range of materials and colours. 3D print in our Polypropylene or Rubber like materials, including a choice of Rubber like materials with differing 'Shore A' values.


3D PRINTING. Full colour !

3D Printing in Colour for Visualisation & Display. Perfect for Architecture & Product design.  

The 3D-Alchemy™ Full Colour 3D printing service produces your designs ready to display. Colour is added during the 3d printing process so no extra painting is required.

3D printing in full Colour is based on the Polyjet Fine Detail service on the new Stratasys J850 and J55 machines. Perfect when you need to produce models for visualisation & display. Applications include product design, architecture, geographical modelling and medical.

The system supports flexible materials in Spot Colour. 


3D PRINTING. Metals and Alloys.

3D Printing in Metals for Prototypes & Production Perfect for Short runs & Complex Designs.  

3D Printing in metals uses the DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering) process and gives product designers and creatives the ultimate material choice including a selection of Aluminium alloys, Titanium, Copper plus a range of Steel and Nickel Alloys

To supplement our 3D Printing Service for industrial metals, we also offer a 3D printing service for precious metals, Gold, Silver and Platinum.  

The DMLS process using laser Sintered powder gives your designs high strength and excellent levels of accuracy and is especially effective where your design is complex and would be difficult to manufacture otherwise.


3D Design Service.

3D Design Service for creating .stl files for 3d printing. Perfect for Creative Agencies & Inventors.  

Our 3D Design Team will help you take your concept and turn it into a 3D Design, producing CAD and .STL files ready for 3D Printing.


Find just the right material for your project with our Materials Wizard.

Materials Wizard


Example objects printed with our 3d printing services:

3d printing service - example of work.
Metal 3d printing service - example of work.


What our customers say about our 3d printing service

"I have used 3D Alchemy on a number of occasions now to produce 'masters' for components for 1/24 scale models of vehicles. The service has always been fast, very efficient and friendly. I will continue to use them for all my future projects."

Steve, Scale Model Developer.

What our customers say about our 3d printing service

"Very quick response, easy to deal with." (Rubber like 3d printed prototypes).

David, Development Draughtsman.


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